Dreams are what help keep hope alive in all of us. Goals give us a pathway toward those dreams. Sometimes, though, along our path, dreams can change. Other times, we lose sight of our dreams or deem them impossible, and many of us choose to find new dreams and more “sensible” goals. This was certainly my story. I have seen in my journey that if a dream never leaves you ultimately, there’s a reason for it, and it's essential never to stop believing because nothing is impossible.
Dreams are a funny thing; sometimes, our dreams can change in unexpected ways. I always saw myself as a homebody who never wanted to travel or meet many people. That all changed one day when I was at a comedy show supporting a friend of mine. I overheard some people inspired by the event but never went to the free meet-and-greet to share and encourage the comedian. Something happened to me that night, and I suddenly had this passion to speak up and inspire others. I started genuinely seeing people and recognizing when someone needed encouragement, including but not limited to public figures. Every time I took a step and brought encouragement and motivation to people with whom I came into contact in my travels, more opportunities came along. Eventually, this homebody turned this part-time passion into a career that has expanded to thousands globally. Over the years, I have had many dreams for my life; some have changed, and some have never left me entirely.
Stay open to what may lie ahead wherever you are at this moment. When we open our hearts and minds to everything being possible, incredible things can and do happen. Take a step of faith and move toward a dream in your heart. You never know where it may lead. When we open ourselves to goodness and allow hope and faith to work together to propel us forward, we see what's possible. Always keep dreaming and never stop believing.
Take stock of where you are and what dreams you have had. What dream have you buried and forgotten about? What dream have you had that you felt was too impossible to achieve? Maybe it is a one-time goal, similar to what people call a bucket list item, or perhaps the dream is bigger, with a change in career or pursuing a passion(which I'll talk more about in next month's blog).
Dreams can fuel you, but if you are too busy putting out the flame before you explore that dream, you may never find out how much different your life might be if you only found the courage to take the first step. Keep dreaming and chasing those dreams; they are the fuel that keeps hope alive. Dreams are seldom easy, but find the tenacity never to give up.
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash
